Is This You?

You’re bored in your current position and know that the next job on your career path will grow old sooner than later.

It’s time to put the feelers out and yet you don’t feel all that inspired to begin your search for the next position. Your resume and LinkedIn profile are updated ­– and they look great. You started looking at the internal job postings and watch the alerts. And, yet, you feel more than a bit frustrated with the job search cycle. You’ve got that familiar feeling of unhappiness and discontent.

You know what you’d rather be doing, yet you need the financial security of your job

You’ve worked hard for most of your adult life proving to yourself and others you are an asset to the team or company. There’s been steady moves in your profession, the problem is you hate it, meetings are monotonous and you want more. You wonder what else you could do that’s more gratifying and meaningful.

Perhaps you have an artistic or heart-centered nature, however, upon entering a corporate environment you needed to set that aside to survive. To fit into the organization(s) and traverse the environment you found a mentor or two and have taken a bunch of different personality assessments to utilize your strengths to try to fit in and make corporate work for you. But the truth is you don’t feel like yourself.

You’ve never quite felt like you fit into the corporate structure

You’re sticking with your career path because you earned your degree(s) and don’t want to feel like a failure or let anyone down (e.g., your partner, family, friends, colleagues, mentors)

You worked incredibly hard to earn your education and credentials. You may even be one of the only in your family to attend college. Friends and family are incredibly proud of your accomplishments and brag about your success to others. You may or may not find satisfaction in your role and realize your chosen profession lacks meaning. And yet, the thought of making a change seems impossible.

It’s Sunday night and you dread walking into the office Monday morning or logging onto your first virtual meeting

Have you attempted to create more meaning in your life or career in the past and felt as if you failed? Maybe you were adventurous and you threw caution into the wind by making a sudden drastic change that wasn’t lasting. There could be many reasons for this – divine timing or other circumstances. Or maybe, you didn’t have the right support to help you explore what more meaning looks or feels like and how it expresses itself through you. Perhaps, this is the perfect time to explore the thread of meaning in the tapestry of your life NOW.

Maybe you see yourself in one or more of these situations…If so, I invite you to find out a little more about the types of people who do well with my approach to finding more meaning, value and vibrancy in their lives.

My approach is collaborative and creative to what arises in the moment, it’s also gentle, yet encouraging and this allows people to go deep, to what’s under the surface.

And, it’s specifically designed to help women of color in these types of situations.

Black natural curly hair woman smiling

“Our visions begin with our desires.”

- Audre Lorde

  • Are several years into your profession

  • Remember when you used to have an avenue for self-expression or a creative outlet but you seem to have lost it

  • Are open to self-care practices and experiences

  • Are willing to make the time and intention needed for personal change

My approach works well if you:

My most successful clients are those that value similar things that I do. We’ll probably do even better working together if you:

  • Are committed to finding meaning in whatever way that speaks to you

  • Appreciate what makes you unique, what makes you YOU

  • Know deep down there are no quick fixes when it comes to self-discovery

  • Trust the process and trust yourself and are willing to listen to your own inner guidance

  • Appreciate the here and now and are able to be grounded in this sensual life

  • Are willing to go deep and really dig into your specific experiences so you can learn a new way of being

Does this sound like you?

Let’s Keep in Touch

The first step is to subscribe to my mailing list where I regularly share practices, content and articles designed to help you along your journey for growth and self-discovery.

If you’d like to know more about my approach you can go here.

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